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:heart::coffee: Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval (CVPRW15)
Hi! I was wondering if there were any pretrained models to compute image hashes that were trained on ImageNet or similar (coco, NUS-WIDE, etc). I saw on this repo that...
hello, i learn your paper and code recently, can you share the diffrents ways experiments data likes cifar10.thx
Dear, Good day. Thank you for your contribution! But I can't the model for the BaiduYun or other link,could you have handle it?
I get some error in running demo.m ``` caffe-cvprw15 startup >> demo Error using textscan 'BufSize' is no longer required and has been removed. Error in read_cell (line 11) fileLines...
I have read the paper''Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval'', but I have some questions about optimization problem . I want to apply this method to...
I have read the file and see your words:"You need to convert the dataset into leveldb format using "". We will show you how to do this. To be...
After we execute the command `>> run_cifar10`, we get the` >> MAP = 0.897373` Is this the result after reranking ? I mean the Fine-level Search. @kevinlin311tw
I use ubuntu 16.04 and your git code to compile matlab interface,matlab has already been rightly installed and I also fix the Makefile.config by setting: MATLAB_DIR := /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a but by...
Hi, according to this project description. The "Correction of computational cost" sections says you computes hamming distance between two 64-bit binary codes takes 23 ps (bitwise XOR operation). when...