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Eureka! is a data reduction and analysis pipeline intended for time-series observations with JWST.
### Instrument Light curve fitting (Stages 4-6) ### What is your suggestion? At present, there are separate implementations of the numpy-based and theano-based astrophysical and detector models which requires twice...
### Instrument Other (any stage) ### What is your suggestion? When processing HST WFC-3 observations, please add a warning / check to see if the time range of the Horizons...
### Instrument Light curve fitting (Stages 4-6) ### What is your suggestion? The astrophysical models that we mentioned during our meeting today that we'd like to at least investigate adding...
### Instrument _No response_ ### What happened? We need to profile Eureka's performance in order to assess major bottlenecks and hopefully speed things up. This is especially important for Stage...
### Instrument Light curve fitting (Stages 4-6) ### What is your suggestion? At present S5 will crash if it gets to a lightcurve that is completely masked (something that happens...
### Instrument Other (any stage) ### What is your suggestion? At present, the Stage 3 code sets data.mask to True where there is good data and data.mask to False where...
### Instrument NIRCam (Stages 1-3), MIRI (Stages 1-3) ### What is your suggestion? At present, the photometry code works one integration at a time, performing all the processing steps on...
### Instrument Other (any stage) ### What is your suggestion? At present, our main files for each stage are quite massive and make it very challenging to get an overview...
### Instrument Light curve fitting (Stages 4-6) ### What happened? So I've noticed that using all three terms in the exponential ramp model consistently gives me terrible fits due to...
Idea for additional output from Stage 6: latex tables that are ready for publication. The EXOFAST code has a nice example of this - see Fig 5 of