Kevin Lin

Results 18 comments of Kevin Lin

@AnthonyMDev Sure. Thanks for help. Any confusion regarding the internal implementation, we can discuss here.

@artonragsdale _viewControllers in STPopupController holds strong reference of UIViewController, and it's not cleaned up when memory warning is received. Even it's set to nil, calling a function to nil will...

@mixdesign it's weird. I can't recall any change I made recently will cause this issue. Did you set alpha value of the blur background view? Remove it if you did.

@mixdesign Can't reproduce with the demo code.(Bottom sheet + corner radius + blur background). Will relook this if I find anything.

Sorry for late reply. In this case(in master/detail relationship), I would suggest you disable the "draggable" of navigation bar by setting: ``` objc popupController.navigationBar.draggable = NO; ``` @mbjacks any concern...

@xhzengAIB Hi, actually with the latest version, you can get the backgroundView from STPopupController, which means you can add any gesture you want to the background view, includes a tapGesture...

@xhzengAIB 通过添加属性来实现这个功能会让使用者更方便,也最直接,但是随着需求的增加,如果每个需求都通过添加一个特定的属性来支持的话,接口很快就臃肿了。 所以我的偏好是,尽可能少的提供功能单一的接口,让控件扩展的空间更大。 纯属个人封装组件的偏好,望谅解 : ) 至于你说的”希望某个页面支持点击背景消失,某些不支持“,可以在view controller的viewWillAppear和viewWillDisappear里通过 self.popupController.backgroundView 获取 backgroundView 并对其进行tapGesture的注册和反注册则可实现。

I suggest you to use STPopup instead of STPopupPreview if the use case is to leave the preview open.