longform copied to clipboard
A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
Is there any way to compile an overview of just the scene lists titles?
Convert paired straight quotes (`"" & ''`) to curly quotes (`“” & ‘’`), double dashes (`--`) to em dashes (`—`), and three periods (`...`) to ellipses (`…`). Having this functionality...
first of all thanks for a great plugin! I like to write my scenes in levels of detail depending what stage I'm at; - heading - synopsis - beats -...
How do footnotes act when you compile the manuscript into one document?
The scene numbering scheme begins with 1, which works well if your story begins with Chapter 1 or Act 1, etc. But what about prologues? Could we have an option...
Advanced anchor texts (i.e. figure captions) can be messed up by the current version of "Remove Links" built--in, so I wrote my own. In particular, if you have pandoc references...
I've had some frustration with having to re-add scenes to the project, but this isn't about that. I'd like to humbly offer an alternative way that longform could be organizing...
Sorry to put this here, but I didn't see any place to just ask for help from the community. I just came back to longform after a while and am...
**Versions** Longform version: 2.0.7 Obsidian version: 1.5.12 OS [Android]: I've noticed an issue with the MOBILE version of Longform, and I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I'm...
In addition to arrow keys, you can also use `tab` to move in the suggestion modals, which some people (like me) are more used to.