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MassTransit Lightning Talk Demo from March 2018

MassTransit Lightning Talk March 2018

Code from the lightning talk given at dotnetsheff on Tue 6th March 2018.

Running it

You'll need RabbitMQ running, so docker it:

docker run -d -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

Then run Shop, Payments and Reports projects, dotnet run that:

dotnet run --project .\src\Shop\Shop.csproj
dotnet run --project .\src\Payments\Payments.csproj
dotnet run --project .\src\Reporting\Reporting.csproj


This is what is happening

Shop demo with MassTransit

Notice I can't code?

  1. Fork
  2. Hack!
  3. Pull Request