android-hidden-camera copied to clipboard
can not takepicture more than one time
if i want to take picture more times, it fails
oK, i resolve it ,u should mCamera.startPreview(); after take picture
@grape1977 Can you generate pull request for the fix?
Same issue, where should mCamera.startPreview();
I Want to Take Picture Multiple times But it can Take Only One One Photo And Save One Image
Same issue, where should mCamera.startPreview(); be?
takePictureInternal function add startPreview
Hi, I'm still facing this issue is there a fix for it??
I'd love to get a fix for this as well :(
????,takePictureInternal->new Thread->Runnable, at the end,add one line: mCamera.startPreview();
How can we take multiple image with the help of the service? tried adding in the onImageCapture callback but it gives java.lang.RuntimeException: Camera is being used after Camera.release() was called error.