ceph-dokan copied to clipboard
ceph-dokan return signal 88 (core dump) - ceph_mount error!
My ceph cluster was deployed with all auth = cephx. The ceph cluster version is Hammer 0.94.6 I made the ceph-dokan.exe . When I execute: ceph-dokan -c ceph.conf -l m, i got: ceph_conf_read_file OK
..but after some minutes return signal 88 (core dump) if I check netsat output commnad, I can see: local address - foreign address:6789 - states TIME_WAIT
so.. I could not have my drive mounted. What I need to do ..
tks in advance
the same case i met: mon/MonClient.cc: r = auth_cond.myWaitUntil(monc_lock, until); returning immediately with 10060(ETIMEDOUT), I dived into more detail with gdb, found that utime_t::to_timespec with wrong result: example: this->tv = { tv_sec = 0x11223344, tv_nsec=0x55667788 } ---> to timespec * ts ts->tv_sec = 0x5566778811223344; (ts->tv_sec is type of long long int ) i didn't know why. I can do tricks fix it but was not good way.