cc:-@jywarren @HarshKhandeparkar we can add more tests as we go along the way but these are most basic set of tests that are needed.
@pythongiant This piece of code tests that when the radio button is clicked a new step is added and length is increased . In the GCI task, you have test...
@pythongiant It's easy.I will help you here . with $("[data-value='blur']").click() You would be able to set dropdown value to blur with $("#add-step-btn").click() you can click ADD STEP button Now just...
@pythongiant Are you still stuck? Feel free to ask any doubt related to the task. @Ryan10145 great!!!
@pythongiant No,This is Add step button of insert Button.We are talking of ADD STEPbutton at the bottom.
@pythongiant Yes
@NitinBhasneria This is a different issue. its about having optimal design for History tab
@shreyaa-s This function is for Italic and Bold formatting in markdown mode. This variable var rleading,... are defined in terms of Regular Expression (use this to know about what each...
I think that woofmark is not protected by tests.
@shreyaa-s Are you able to figure out what pushover() and pushoverOthersTag() are doing? I am still not able to get it.