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SpellList Config not loading
I noticed some of my auras were missing on the nameplates and when I went to investigate discovered that the separate config addon is bugging out, and doesn't appear in the list of addon settings, despite it being enabled.
BugSack had this error:
32x Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua:571: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)
[string "@Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua"]:571: in function `?'
[string "@Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua"]:25: in function <Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua:24>
self = KuiSpellListConfig {
name = "Kui |cff9966ffSpell List|r"
loaded = "Kui_SpellList_Config"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = KuiSpellListConfig {
name = "Kui |cff9966ffSpell List|r"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"
folder = "Kui_SpellList_Config"
KSL = <table> {