Thanks, this is my `pip list` output: ``` Package Version -------------------- ----------- anyio 3.6.1 argon2-cffi 21.3.0 argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0 asttokens 2.0.5 async-generator 1.10 atomicwrites 1.4.1 attrs 21.4.0 backcall 0.2.0 beautifulsoup4 4.11.1...
The only permittivity value I modified is inside a `grid[a:b, c:d, e:f] = fdtd.Object(permittivity=100, name='something')`
Thanks, but it still doesn't work. I put `ffmpeg.exe` into the same folder as the Jupyter Notebook file with your example scripts, but I still get `ffmpeg not installed?`. Could...
...indeed: For instance, your GRIN example script changes `cwd` to the subfolder `\\fdtd_output\\fdtd_output_2022-7-15-17-22-58 (GRIN)\\fdtd_output\\fdtd_output_2022-7-15-17-28-17 (GRIN)`. How to remediate? It certainly doesn't make sense to be forced to put a copy...
Yip, just checked. Adding `os.chdir()` in front of your animation code block and setting `cwd` to the notebook path breaks your `grid.generate_video()`
Hi flaport, thanks for this information. I was under the impression that this basically is Python's official FDTD package, which is why I was so confused about the existence of... ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [28], in () 7 grid[:, 0:10, :] = fdtd.PML(name="pml_ylow") 8 grid[:, -10:, :] = fdtd.PML(name="pml_yhigh") ----> 9 simfolder =...
It is, they used `gprmax` to design the **g**round-**p**enetrating **r**adar of the Perseverance Mars mission
@flaport Just to illustrate how bad the problem is, consider this baby example (even much simpler than your examples): ``` wavelength = 1e-6 # Initialize FDTD grid grid = fdtd.Grid(shape=(20*wavelength,...