Mikael Kermorgant
Mikael Kermorgant
Hi, It might be helpful to look at the content of these buffers : *Phpactor Output*, *Phpactor Input* Besides, how did you install phpactor.el and phpactor ? We recently added...
> Then, I execute phpactor-update Good. Could you please share the contents of "Phpactor Output" or "Phpactor Input" ?
@MarTango this is quite ironic given the installation of phpactor withing phpactor.el was meant to give a more reliable outcome :-( @tszg thanks for the feedback. Alas, I can't see...
@zhougts there have been several changes on develop branch since December. I'd be interested to know whether the issue is still present.
The current alpha status of this package gives a certain degree of freedom when merging into master but the more we move towards release quality, the more I'd like to...
I was going to give this another try but this time, it starts giving this type of error >phpactor.el:541:1:Error: Wrong type argument: stringp, (car rpc-data)
can be tested with such function ```elisp (defun mk/phpactor-xref () "Activates xref backend using phpactor." (make-local-variable 'xref-prompt-for-identifier) (setq xref-prompt-for-identifier nil) (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'phpactor-xref-backend nil t)) ```
fixed 2 small thing regarding references but still need to make find-definition behave correctly
I've stumbled on the same issue several times. Haven't taken time to really look into it, but adding project specific configuration like below have often helped ```elisp ((nil . ((php-project-root...
just noticed that adding/removing the specific line below makes a difference ```elisp (phpstan-config-file . (root . "./phpstan.neon")) ```