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Custom Intent Help Request
Hey, I was hoping to get some help/guidance around creating custom intents for Vector. I saw the example custom intent within the documentation, and was able to create something basic, but I didn't understand it enough to have Vector give a verbal reply. I have a passing ability to read basic code, but I'm an artist, so I'm not sure where to start.
What I specifically want to create are a number of intents where Vector gives a verbal response. Ideally where Vector has multiple verbal responses to choose from. I want to increase the feeling of interactivity with Vector.
I saw the arguments section, but I wasn't sure where to look up the available arguments or the correct syntax to use. Looking through Vector's code, I found a hello world example where a print command was given. So I wasn't sure if I could use something like that within the argument. Or if having a simple python script being called would be more ideal?
An example of what I want to create (as a template): Utterance: How are you doing?, How are you?, How are you today? Available replies from Vector to choose from:
- I am good, thank you!
- Good!
- Just fine!
Again I'm pretty new to all this. If anyone has the patience to point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated!
Also here's the code snippet I was wondering if I could build around (maybe the SayText portion): Console.WriteLine("Saying 'Hello World'..."); await robot.Behavior.SayText("Hello World"); Found that here: https://github.com/codaris/Anki.Vector.Samples/blob/master/Tutorial_01_HelloWorld/Program.cs
Unfortunately I don't know the cs SDK but I could certainly help you with the python SDK. here are some examples of the python SDK: https://github.com/cyb3rdog/vector-python-sdk/tree/master/examples/tutorials
If you get the 01_hello_world.py running, it would be a good start.