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Authentication service that keeps you in control without forcing you to be an expert in web security.

Results 38 authn-server issues
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AuthN is alive! It handles its scope of responsibility quite well and is deployed into multiple production environments. I'm still able to coordinate and guide contributions and manage releases. Nonetheless,...

An attempt to see through. Squashed and rebased against v1.11.0. My understanding is that we may need a way to try this out before we feel comfortable merging —...

See description from commit below, but also: - I prefer to keep my Go builds pure Go if possible (various reasons, some here: - In particular static CGO (i.e....

Is there a way to rather store the account ID or user ID as UUID instead of integers? I worry about iterating over integers where we would have to separately...


I have SSR logic that hydrates the page data based on user-id, so it needs to authenticate the user from the initial request's cookie. Currently, my authn-service instance's login and...

Keratin supports generic OAuth2 providers here: However, there is no means to read configurations from the environment, or otherwise inject them. The credentials, scopes and endpoints required for an...

Hi! Does authn-server provide Twitter OAuth? If it dosen't, do you have plan to be compatible with Twitter OAuth?


Hi, I would like to implement a service level segmentation for the private API sections of Keratin, this would require that private APIs bind to local host and all communication...


After looking at this project briefly, I see that there are many environment variables that the user can set. [Viper]( makes configurations a breeze and also provides many great features...


When signing up for an account, especially when USERNAME_IS_EMAIL is set to true, it would be nice to have an email confirmation flow, to prevent malicious "account injection". Implementation could...
