keras-preprocessing copied to clipboard
channel_shift_range not affecting images?
So, I've decided adding random channel shift would be an important image augmentation for my training set. But when I test the output, I'm not seeing any changes no matter if I set channel_shift_range to 0.1 or 0.9. Am I misunderstanding how this augmentation works? I thought it was supposed to shift the colors around so the model would be robust to variances in color?
Here's my code:
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
path = '/mnt/Project/Imaging/samples'
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(brightness_range=(0.25,1.35), channel_shift_range=0.9)
genObject = datagen.flow_from_directory(path,
augs = []
i = 0
for batch in genObject:
i += 1
if i > 10:
for item in augs:
Environment: Jupyter Lab Python 3.6.6 Keras==2.2.4 Keras-Applications==1.0.7 Keras-Preprocessing==1.0.9 tensorboard==1.9.0 tensorflow-gpu==1.9.0
Thanks in advance for the help!
I think there was a mistake with the code. If you input some large value like 200.0, it will produce real channel shifts like mentioned here under "Old Channel_Shift Images(cifar10)":
However, it should be using a float between 0 and 1 rather than a large absolute value.
Actually it used to work with that workaround in a previous version of keras, but not anymore. I looked through the code:
And tried using the apply_channel_shift on two different simple arrays:
arr = np.array([[[50,100,200],[50,100,200]], [[50,100,200],[50,100,200]]])
arr = np.array([[[50,50], [50,50]], [[100,100], [100,100]], [[200,200], [200,200]]])
apply_channel_shift(arr, 50.0, 0)
which results in:
array([[[100., 150., 200.],
[100., 150., 200.]],
[[100., 150., 200.],
[100., 150., 200.]]])
array([[[100., 100.],
[100., 100.]],
[[150., 150.],
[150., 150.]],
[[200., 200.],
[200., 200.]]])
No matter what channel_axis I use as a parameter
This will be added to the list of issues needed to be fixed when we will work on the refactoring. (See for updates)
It looks like 'channel_shift_range` adds/subtracts the same intensity from all channels in the image. So because of that the image just becomes brighter or darker instead of changing color. I imagine the expected behavior would be to change color too, no? In that case, we need to add different intensity to different channels.
x = np.rollaxis(x, channel_axis, 0)
min_x, max_x = np.min(x), np.max(x)
channel_images = [
np.clip(x_channel + intensity,
for x_channel in x]
x = np.stack(channel_images, axis=0)
x = np.rollaxis(x, 0, channel_axis + 1)
return x
I am still observing the same behavior. is merged. Is someone looking into this?
For reference: The code mazatov cited is found here
I am not familiar with some of the numpy methods, but I could look into finding a fix.
A fix should probably also address issue #170.
It works in a [0.0,255.0] range but instead of random channel shift i.e. r+20, g-10, b+3, it just applies random brightness: r+5, g+5,b+5 (shifting all channels by the same value).
I put a fix on a fork. Still needs to be tested before I add a pull request. There is also some clipping to the min and max values contained in the channel. I do not understand the point of clipping to these min and max values. As noted in #170 is should probably clip to maximum allowed range for that data type. Further discussion about that in #170.
Has this problem solved yet? I checked @BSVogler 's fork mentioned before, but there's error about the np.random.uniform() function in the code (Line 206 in Seems there's no parameters named channel anymore now.
Have you re-wrote the np.random.uniform function? how you write it?
I am sorry, I kinda forgot about this one. My fork needs to resolve the conflicts and probably update the usage of numpy since it has been more than a year.