Agreed. And I think it would make sense to have a semi-open list of suggested values for this new "typ-ie" (`@dirtype` seems to dirty, doesn't it?) thing, just to make...
according to @lpugin, this is related to types of ``. I think this means he volunteers himself…
Things should be pretty easy as long as bar lines match – which is not the case for the example by @rettinghaus, which has been mentioned already. However, let's start...
I'm not sure if that statement is always true, or should be. I would use `` for sketches that don't fully define everything that's needed to recognize a measure, and...
> Both of you are implying that the repeat barline in the following example should be encoded as a ``: No, not necessarily. Actually, I would rarely recommend to use...
I'm happy to do whatever is necessary – and this was the easist thing to set up with the skills I have. Not saying this is particularly good or efficient,...
Oh, you can certainly help ;-) At this point, we really don't need the Git Repo at, but only the Docker image generated from it, available from In...
Just for documentation purposes, the other Docker image we need to run (which basically ticks the _generate complete PDF with princexml_ box above, we just need some more integration testing…)...
I can see a need for `@scale` and `@spacing` in MEI Basic. `@lines.color` and `@lines.visible` seem pretty out of scope to me, though. However, I would like to see a...
My understanding was always to use `@lines="0"` for this, but I just noticed that this only allows positive integers. I believe that this is the better fix – having to...