grpc-python-kubernetes copied to clipboard
gRPC Python client/server for Testing Kubernetes using NGINX Ingress
This is a python3 gRPC service/client for testing gRPC services inside a Kubernetes cluster using NGINX ingress. It consist of a single service that responds with a UUID that is randomly generated at creation. The unique UUID response is useful for indicating that the responses are coming back from different instances of the service. Development was done on Ubuntu 18.04.
Run Docker Image
sudo docker run --rm -p 50051:50051 --name grpc-python-service k3nt/grpc-python-service
Deploy Kubernetes Cluster with NGINX Ingress
**Important You will need to change the host in gpd-ing.yaml with a domain that points to your ingress controller.
kubectl create -f gpd-dep.yaml
kubectl create -f gpd-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f gpd-ing.yaml
TLS Ingress Rule for SSL
After you have created the SSL certificate and created the Kubernetes secret, you must create a .pem file for the client to use.
Concatenat TLS cert & key into pem
cat tls.crt tls.key > tls.pem
Generate gRPC Code
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. getid.proto