Ken Soh
Ken Soh
Thanks @pp082 for positive feedback! Alternatively, you can create a bash shell script with your commands and logic, then use TagUI `run` step on your shell script. The run step...
recorder —> … bounding box, ml model
Hi @ruthtxh I'm considering closing this for now since I don't have the bandwidth to add this now. If you are adding, the gist is creating a desktop recorder and...
The various formats in the issue title mean exporting to TagUI human language .tag, .docx, .py (RPA for Python), .cs (TagUI for C#) etc. But the main benefit is for...
Hi Yi Wen, thanks for sharing your feedback and insights! Following are my thoughts, for Ruth to add on her thoughts. >这个tagui基于chrome driver实现浏览器控制,开启浏览器的调试模式,很多网站会禁止这个模式,很多开源RPA都是这样。商业RPA公司是自研浏览器插件,通过websocket通信进行浏览器控制,没用websocket,基本只是一个开发用的测试自动化。 This is incorrect understanding, I wrote the...
Oh, I forgot to add a very important point. I don't think its good to grow too fast. The current growth of total > 2k users (Python version + human...
Created a new issue for consideration, @ruthtxh and @kangyiwen - In my view, having user-contributed JavaScript helper functions could be the secret sauce to accelerate adoption of TagUI to...
Created the separate issue #1219 above, because my hunch is that is an idea with outsized impact to users, if executed well. I would rank this idea on similar level...
Adding on, look at this release So many improvements have been made to improve user experience. And this is only possible because @ck81 / got to know about...
This thread has interesting feedback, maybe in future Zoom calls, Yi Wen can join again and highlight some ideas to Ruth. I am very sure there will be a number...