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Development applications used for programing/testing react-native-bluetooth-classic


Development applications used for programing/testing react-native-bluetooth-classic

Originally the development and example apps were stored inside the library itself react-native-blueooth-classic/BluetoothClassicExample which caused two major issues:

  1. There were issues writing tests (dependencies required for testing broke the Example app)
  2. With more apps being required (multiple React Native versions, functionality showcase, etc) the library would be polluted


Feel free to add your own sample application, either:

  1. Within this project, specifically if help testing/debugging is required
  2. Updating this with a link to your showcase application

Example Apps

Android Permissions!

When working with Android you'll need to request permissions manually:

import { PermissionsAndroid } from 'react-native';

 * See for more information
 * on why this is required (dangerous permissions).
const requestAccessFineLocationPermission = async () => {
  const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
      title: 'Access fine location required for discovery',
        'In order to perform discovery, you must enable/allow ' +
        'fine location access.',
      buttonNeutral: 'Ask Me Later',
      buttonNegative: 'Cancel',
      buttonPositive: 'OK',
  return granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED;


The primary application used during development.

  • Supports the lowest versions of React Native (0.60.0), Android (26) and IOS (9)
  • Provides almost all functionality from the library
  • Configured to use the locally installed ../../react-native-bluetooth-classic/ project.