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Tensorflow workspaces for training your custom models of K210
Tensorflow Workspace for K210
Classifier for ImageNet
- Download ImageNet dataset, extract it as the instructions to ILSVRC2012_img_train, it has 1000 folders, each folder's name represents its class id.
- The model definition file is
, ATTENTION, K210 does not support the method of SAME PADDING in tensorflow, so we need to add padding around the image manually before astride=2
conv (in this situation, the padding method of conv layer withstride=2
should be set to VALID - Modify
and start your training. - Using
to freeze your model fromckpt
, just runpython mobilenetv1/freeze_graph.py model.mobilenet_v1 ckpt_fold pb_file
- Test on ImageNet, you need a val dataset of ImageNet, then run
python mobilenetv1/validation_imagenet.py pb_file val_set_fold
- Estimate one image, run
python mobilenetv1/predict_one_pic.py pb_file pic
ImageNet 分类器示例
- 下载ImageNet数据集,按照说明解压缩训练数据集到文件夹ILSVRC2012_img_train,内含1000个子文件夹,每个子文件夹的命名为其分类代号(类似n02484975),每个子文件夹内为该分类的训练数据
- mobilenet v1定义文件:mobilenetv1/models/mobilenet_v1.py,需要注意由于K210不支持tensorflow的SAME padding,所以在stride=2时先固定padding一圈0,然后再进行stride=2的卷积(padding=VALID)
- 训练脚本 mobilenetv1/run_mobilenet_v1.sh,根据需要修改其中的参数,然后运行
- freeze_graph.py将训练ckpt转成pb文件,命令格式如下:
python mobilenetv1/freeze_graph.py model.mobilenet_v1 ckpt_fold pb_file - 测试在ImageNet验证集上的性能,下载验证集,将文件按类别解压好(与训练集类似),运行 python mobilenetv1/validation_imagenet.py pb_file(or ckpt folder) val_set_fold
- 预测单张图片,python mobilenetv1/predict_one_pic.py pb_file(or ckpt folder) pic