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There are a few optimizations that can be done, like I believe there is an invalidate call too much and a call to typeFn too much. But tests would make sure that we don't break anything when making such changes.
- [ ] attr sets prop (if has attrName) - for all types
- [ ] prop sets attr (if has attrName)
- [ ] defined prop-change calls invalidate - otherwise not
- [ ] attr-change calls invalidate if defined in prop and has attrName defined - otherwise not (also if attrName !== propName)
- [ ] $() finds the correct element - also after invalidation where that element is changed, removed or added
- [ ] Multiple invalidate calls (scope + events handlers) in same execution of the event loop only calls 1x render.
Also use web components polyfill to test on Firefox
My thoughts on what tests to start out with...
The different allowed property-types - should keep their types when changed from prop or via attr
- attr sets prop (if has attrName)
- prop sets attr (if has attrName)
- prop-change calls invalidate if defined - otherwise not
- attr-change calls invalidate if defined in prop and has attrName defined - otherwise not (also if attrName !== propName)
- $() finds the correct element - also after invalidation where that element is changed, removed or added
- 2x invalidate only calls 1x render
(note to self) webcomponents-tester guide here:
Hi, sorry if this is spammy, and feel welcome to delete my comment if it takes up too much space. Working on a similar project i wrote these tests:
FrameElement Listeners ✔ Should run handle click on shadowRoot child element click FrameElement no shadow ✔ Should render without shadow ✔ Should render template without shadow FrameElement Observed Props ✔ Should update property from observer function ✔ Should update property from observer function via attribute set by user FrameElement Renderer ✔ Should use custom renderer from renderer mixin ✔ Should re-renderer on prop change using mixin renderer FrameElement ✔ should set properties from static props ✔ should set default props set by the user ✔ should invalidate on prop change ✔ Should update internal prop when prop changes ✔ Should set a default my-prop attribute ✔ should return prop of the right type from attribute ✔ Should get prop value updated from null later ✔ Should remove default my-prop attribute ✔ Should set a string attribute as my-other-prop ✔ Should render content from render function ✔ Should map attribute value to prop ✔ ComponentDidMount run after initial render ✔ ComponentDidUnmount run after dom removal FrameElement decorators ✔ Should set prop from Property decorator ✔ Should re-render from Property decorator prop ✔ Should set property type from Reflect meta ✔ Should reflect as dom attribute if set with @Attribute ✔ Should should run @Observe method on property change ✔ Should run event listener on element click ✔ Should run event listener on span in shadowRoot click ✔ Should emit event from @Event ✔ Should run handle click on element click
Maybe they can serve as inspiration when you get around to it :)