Will Kempster
Will Kempster
When scoping out #235, I realised that when a user completes a lesson, they are taken back to the lesson page, and there are no instructions for what the user...
A couple of quick changes are required from a privacy perspective: - [ ] Update broken "Privacy" link in academy footer - [ ] Add "By providing your email, you're...
Academy provides an excellent opportunity to reward people for learning measurably in CODE. If we issued monthly (or even) more regular rewards in CODE for people who have complete tracks...
#215 introduces several improvements to SEO. However, we still have the following problems: 1. No unique descriptions are showing for individual lesson pages 2. Duplicated data across DB and .mdx...
#215 introduces a default meta image for every page across the site. While this is a significant improvement over no meta images, we still need custom meta images for each...
The DAOs stated mission is: > Accelerate the education and value of a new wave of web3 builders. and one of our two stated goals is : > Onboard, Educate,...
For academy to be successfully it's vital the platform has the ability to communicate with it's users. Whilst social media can be good for awareness it is nowhere near as...