Will Kempster
Will Kempster
> What about having a shared "EventsBanner" component that can work on both pages? Adaptable to different spaces of each page maybe, but I found interesting and valuable to show...
This point from @elPiablo I think is really important - what value from a learning perspective does this provide users? How to does it help the core goal here which...
These are great suggestions @elPiablo ! Having titles and descriptions is 🔥. To really make an impact on SEO, we want titles to match what users are searching for using...
whoah - didn't really take in the descriptions and URL architecture changes. These are super nice to @elPiablo Using `learn-solidity/title-name` is good. Also means the suggestion above of adding `with...
Circling back here, folks, after a busy couple of weeks :) I'm scheduling some time early next week to take a proper look at the SEO, here's what I plan...
Hello folks - I've scheduled a few hours for a deep-dive/audit for the SEO on Tuesday morning. Here's a [google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O-vGXC2zV056WVKis09BaRsBEglftyO0jOSp_vyDEQo/edit?usp=sharing) for tracking the work :) I will do my...
I opened a notion doc we can work off [here](https://developerdao.notion.site/Academy-SEO-Audit-Recommendations-and-Guide-ad8c389dd19b4d0387bf89da17296098?pvs=4) @okhaimie-dev Added some basic structure to it which we can look at tomorrow and fill in together :)