sublime-text-2-clipboard-history icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sublime-text-2-clipboard-history copied to clipboard

Handle vintage-mode yanks as well

Open skyronic opened this issue 12 years ago • 2 comments


Your plugin is a godsend and saved me from accidentally losing code while refactoring and overwriting the clipboard.

However, I mostly use Vintage, and use the "Yank" function running the "ViAction" command here:

Can you please handle this as a clipboard copy as well? Thanks!

skyronic avatar Jun 06 '12 10:06 skyronic

You can add these to your hotkeys to handle it.

fzf avatar Jun 17 '12 17:06 fzf

It would be nice if it worked like Vim's YankRing plugin (

After I've pasted contents of register with p I then can press ^p for what I've just pasted to be replaced with previously yanked content. Pressing ^p again cycles even further back in Yank history. And ^n moves forward in that history.

astyagun avatar Nov 06 '12 13:11 astyagun