PuiSegmentedControl copied to clipboard
PuiSegmentedControl is a customizable for segmented control.
PuiSegmentedControl is a customizable for segmented control.
- More configuration according to UISegmentedControl
- Configure title styling with NSAttributedString.Key such as font, color etc.
- Styling border, background, seperator etc.
- Animated segment change (Not working with different corner radius).
- Supported scroll when scrolling UIPageViewController (Same as above matter).
- Supported custom page view with PuiPageViewSegmentedControl.
- Written with Swift :)
The easiest way of installing PuiSegmentedControl is via CocoaPods.
pod 'PuiSegmentedControl'
To integrate PuiSegmentedControl into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "kemalbakacak/PuiSegmentedControl" ~> 2.0.0
Run carthage update
to build the framework and drag the built PuiSegmentedControl.framework
into your Xcode project.
- Add view to your storyboard and set class PuiSegmentedControl.
- Create outlets and import PuiSegmentedControl to your view controller.
- Finally, set properties according to your design before set titles.
- You can check screenshots demos under the "Example" folder.
Variables that you can use:
open var animatedTabTransitionDuration: TimeInterval = 1 // The value of the animation tab when isAnimatedTabTransition property is true
open var animatedTabTransitionRedrawDifferenceDuration: TimeInterval = 0 // The value of the redraw view difference from transition duration when isAnimatedTabTransition property is true
open var backgroundCornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 // The radius of the background.
open var backgroundCustomColor: UIColor = .clear // The color of the background.
open var borderCornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 // The radius of the control's border.
open var borderColor: UIColor = .clear // The color of the control's border.
open var borderWidth: CGFloat = 2 // The size of the width control's border.
open var unselectedViewBackgroundColor: UIColor = .white // The color of the background color.
open var unselectedViewMargins: UIEdgeInsets = .zero // The offset of the background from all around.
open var unselectedTextAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]? // The attributes of the segment's title
open var selectedViewBackgroundColor: UIColor = .purple // The color of the selected view background color.
open var selectedViewCornerRadius: CGFloat = .zero // The corner radius of selected view.
open var selectedViewMargins: UIEdgeInsets = .zero // The offset of the selected view from all around.
open var selectedTextAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [:] // The attributes of the selected segment's title
open var selectedIndex: Int = 0 // The index of the selected segment's.
open var seperatorColor: UIColor = .purple // The color of the seperator's.
open var seperatorCornerRadius: CGFloat = 2 // The radius of the seperator's.
open var seperatorWidth: CGFloat = 4 // The size of the width seperator's
open var seperatorMarginBottom: CGFloat = 0 // The offset of the seperator's from bottom.
open var seperatorMarginTop: CGFloat = 0 // The offset of the seperator's from top.
open var isAnimatedTabTransition: Bool = false // If the property is true, tab transition will be animated.
open var isSelectViewAllCornerRadius: Bool = false // If the property is true, selected segment's will be rounded.
open var isEqualWidth: Bool = true // If the property is true, segments divided equals. Otherwise, segment's divided according to text length.
open var isSeperatorActive: Bool = true // If the property is true, seperator will show.
open var items: [String] = [] // The titles of segments.
Usage with Page View
If you want to use with Page View, you need to use PuiPageViewSegmentedControl
and set pages. You can example PageViewController
in example project. If you want to working together with page view and segmented control then send segmented control property to page view configuration method. Threshold means selected segment change value with ratio that 0.8 means 80 percent.
self.pageView.configure(pages: self.pages,
selectedIndex: 1,
segmentedControl: self.segmentedControl,
nextViewSelectionThreshold: 0.8)
PuiSegmentedControl is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.