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Error when using raw macro in Ember 3.11
When combining computed macros including raw
an error is thrown when passing the computed property to a component/helper in a template. Combining other macros than raw
works fine.
E.g. supplementsAmount: sum(mapBy('model.supplements', raw('amount')))
causes the error
Error: Assertion Failed: EmberObject.create no longer supports defining computed properties. Define computed properties using extend() or reopen() before calling create().
The issue seems to be related to @bendemboski's review on https://github.com/kellyselden/ember-macro-helpers/pull/260. When using
"ember-macro-helpers": "bendemboski/ember-macro-helpers#fix-ember-3-10"
the error disappears.
@bendemboski's branch has been merged.
Has this been resolved?
No, the branch has been merged with a modification that seems to break something. @bendemboski has put a comment about it on the PR kellyselden/ember-macro-helpers/pull/260.