Jenkins-api-tour copied to clipboard
Code demonstrating how to interact with the API layer of a Jenkins/Hudson build server.
A Tour of the Jenkins(Hudson too) API
By whichever name you like, this build server provides a rich set of APIs you can trigger remotely in a variety of ways. This project explores the APIs and provides some simple examples of how to get things done.
Highlights of the JSON/XML APIs
- extracting information from builds
- triggering builds
- remote shutdown of server
Get the names of all Jobs from the server
@GrabResolver(name = 'glassfish', root = '')
@GrabResolver(name = "github", root = "")
import org.kar.hudson.api.JSONApi
String rootUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
JSONApi api = new JSONApi()
def hudsonInfo = api.inspectApi(rootUrl){ job ->
Highlights of the CLI jar
- installing plugins
- executing Groovy scripts on the server
Get the names of all Jobs from the server
@GrabResolver(name = 'glassfish', root = '')
@GrabResolver(name = "github", root = "")
import org.kar.hudson.api.cli.HudsonCliApi
String rootUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
HudsonCliApi cliApi = new HudsonCliApi()
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
cliApi.runCliCommand(rootUrl, ['groovysh', 'hudson.jobNames.inspect()'],, out, System.err)
List allJobs =
println allJobs
List all installed Plugins and failed Builds
def listPlugins = 'Hudson.instance.pluginManager.plugins.each { \
println("${it.longName} - ${it.version}") };'
def allFailedBuilds = '''hudsonInstance = Hudson.instance
allItems = hudsonInstance.items
activeJobs = allItems.findAll{job -> job.isBuildable()}
failedRuns = activeJobs.findAll{job -> job.lastBuild && job.lastBuild.result == Result.FAILURE}
failedRuns.each{run -> println(}'''
def parseableAllFailedBuilds = '''hudsonInstance = Hudson.instance
allItems = hudsonInstance.items
activeJobs = allItems.findAll{job -> job.isBuildable()}
failedRuns = activeJobs.findAll{job -> job.lastBuild && job.lastBuild.result == Result.FAILURE}
[activeJobs:activeJobs?.collect{}, failedRuns:failedRuns?.collect{}].inspect()'''
[listPlugins, allFailedBuilds, parseableAllFailedBuilds].each{ script ->
cliApi.runCliCommand(rootUrl, ['groovysh', script])
Getting the library
The jar built from this project is published on this site as a maven artifact. Here's how you can use it in your choice of build system.
Add the following to build.gradle:
maven {
url ''
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
groovy "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:${versions.groovy}"
compile 'org.kar:hudson-api:0.2-SNAPSHOT'
Add the following to pom.xml:
<name>Jenkins-api-tour maven repo on github</name>
Groovy Grapes
Use these annotations in a Groovy script:
@GrabResolver(name='glassfish', root='')
@GrabResolver(name="github", root="")
This project is made available under the Apache 2.0 license, , I hope you find value and have fun with it!