Kelly Joseph Price

Results 11 comments of Kelly Joseph Price

Seems to be effecting other runtimes, at least nodejs10.x: ``` ❯ docker run amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-nodejs10.x echo 'hello world' Unable to find image 'amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-nodejs10.x:latest' locally latest: Pulling from amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-nodejs10.x cb4a6ee8d388: Pull complete...

> The embed snapshot update looks legit, looks like the icon has changed slightly at its url, but I'm not sure the new artifact is being generated correctly? I can...

Sorry for taking 2 years, but this should be possible with something like: ``` import { sanitizeSchema } from '@readme/markdown/sanitize.schema' import * as rdmd from '@readme/markdown' const schema = sanitizeSchema()...

We're still planning on updating `remark` past `v7.0.2`, but we still haven't set a timeline yet. We'll hoping to get to it in the next few months, but we're still...

One idea is to use position data: ``` ![Alt text](/image-url "title" "sizing" "caption") ``` Or, named attributes: ``` ![Alt text](/image-url "title" sizing="..." caption="...") ``` I've seen somewhere a syntax for...

[This comment]( has some pretty interesting takes on how to represent captions in a block shorthand. I particularly like the ones that have a prefix for the caption: ``` ![alt](/url)...

A simpler method would be to treat a block immediately following an image as a caption, as from [this parent thread]( ``` ![](/image-url) caption? ```

It won't match the block at all. ``` ` ` ` "will just be a regular code block" ` ` ` ` ` ` ``` ``` ` ` ` tab...

Updates, the second trailing-unclosed code block is now parsed as a code block, but not part of the tabs.

That would be really awesome. I _think_ our current plan for adding more custom components, will first be adding [MDX]( support. Presumably at that point, you'll be able to import...