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Separate tasks mode

Open vladimirfx opened this issue 5 years ago • 9 comments

Please provide option to run CheckerFramework in separate tasks. This will solve many issues with interaction with other processors (#20) and make separation of assemble/check phases possible.

Currently we use this task description:

afterEvaluate {
    sourceSets.forEach { sourceSet ->
        if (!"test", ignoreCase = true)) {
            val newTask = tasks.register("checkerFramework${}", JavaCompile::class) {
                source =
                destinationDir =
                classpath = sourceSet.compileClasspath + sourceSet.output.classesDirs
                options.annotationProcessorPath = checkerFramework
                        "org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker," +
                                "org.checkerframework.checker.signature.SignatureChecker," +
                                "org.checkerframework.checker.optional.OptionalChecker," +
                                "org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexChecker," +
                                "org.checkerframework.checker.regex.RegexChecker," +
                                "org.checkerframework.checker.formatter.FormatterChecker," +
                        "-Xmaxerrs", "10000",
                        "-Xmaxwarns", "10000",
                if (ignoreStaticAnalysisFailures) {
                    //ignore CheckerFramework bugs
                    options.isFailOnError = false
                    options.compilerArgs.add("-Awarns")// turns Checker Framework errors into warnings
            tasks.check {

vladimirfx avatar Sep 05 '19 15:09 vladimirfx

This makes sense but I don't think it mitigates #20. If there are other annotation processors that generate code, like AutoValue, then those processors still need to run during the separate Checker Framework task. Otherwise, the Checker Framework task will fail with compilation errors.

msridhar avatar Sep 05 '19 17:09 msridhar

Actually it is no need to run processors within Checker task but generated code must be included as Checker task inputs. We use this technique in Android projects (Dagger, Autvalue etc.). In mixed Java+Kotlin tasks we add kapt output as input to Checker task. With such approach there is conflicts with other processors (and code generation) in principle. Checker task just consume all code that should be compiled. Ideally generated code issues should be suppressed automatically by file path. Plus separate typed task make various customizations much easier. As example - we need to add some additional classpath entries from Kotlin stub compiler (all Kotlin binaries carefully annotated).

vladimirfx avatar Sep 06 '19 07:09 vladimirfx

@vladimirfx you have a good point. It would be great if the plugin supported separate tasks, where the Checker task could just consume all the generated code from the annotation processors.

msridhar avatar Sep 06 '19 13:09 msridhar

One possible workaround for now: you can guard application of this plugin behind a Gradle property, and only supply the Gradle property when you want to run in "CI Mode". That would look something like the code snippet below. With that code, you can run ./gradlew build -PisCI=true on your CI server, but running ./gradlew build on your dev box (or elsewhere) won't run the Checker Framework.

plugins {
  // To do Checker Framework pluggable type-checking (and other CI only tasks), run:
  // ./gradlew compileJava -PisCI=true
  id 'org.checkerframework' version '0.3.30' apply false

if (!project.hasProperty("isCI")) {
    ext.isCI = "false"
if ("true".equals(project.ext.isCI)) {
  apply plugin: 'org.checkerframework'

if ("true".equals(project.ext.isCI)) {
  checkerFramework {
    checkers = [ "org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker",

kelloggm avatar Sep 09 '19 21:09 kelloggm

@kelloggm CI mode is good if developers do not check code locally. In our case devs do code cleanup by running ./gradlew check locally...

vladimirfx avatar Nov 05 '19 07:11 vladimirfx

@vladimirfx you could use the Gradle property trick locally as well. Can you say what is insufficient about use of a Gradle property?

msridhar avatar Nov 05 '19 17:11 msridhar

@msridhar as workaround it's possible, but requires some additional knowledge/documentation of build process. Besides inconvenience there always be issues such as incompatibility with other tools that hooks in compilation process such as Error Prone, non javac compilers (ajc, eclipse). Because Checker Framework use javac (and only javac) as code parser separate task can be configured with separate configuration with proper javac included. So release 2.11.x requires Java 9+ javac to build but supports code check only for Java 8. IMO very confusing requirements. In contrast with Error Prone Checker Framework is slow and sophisticated quality checking tool that in practice can't be run on each compilation. Moreover it's restrict java compiler type and version (in very strange fashion). For such tools Gradle has separate task category with well established conventions.

vladimirfx avatar Nov 07 '19 08:11 vladimirfx

@vladimirfx Regarding your comment about 2.11.x, it's true that it works only on Java 8. Version 3.0.0 works on Java 8 and Java 11, so upgrading to 3.0.0 resolves that issue.

mernst avatar Nov 07 '19 14:11 mernst

@vladimirfx I agree that in many scenarios teams will want to run Checker Framework separately from their main build. Gradle flags provide one way to do that. I am not a Gradle expert, but I suspect one could make a separate task that just sets a flag before the normal build task is run? This way the flag would not need to be passed on the command line.

You also have requirements around fine-grained control of source paths, to add kapt output, etc. For this scenario, do your custom Gradle scripts still work? They might need to be tweaked to stick Error Prone javac in the bootclasspath, but we can probably help with that and document that better.

msridhar avatar Nov 08 '19 15:11 msridhar