Kelli Johnson
Kelli Johnson
{bblme} is being archived on 2022-05-22, which the {ss3sim} CRAN version depends on. Thus, we will need to push the latest version of {ss3sim} to CRAN before then so we...
When reading through the Introduction vignette I noticed that some of the terminology that is used is inconsistent with what will be provided in the data dictionary effort. For example,...
I feel like I waste a lot of time and code calculating the relative error of the EM compared to the OM. For example, I almost always run `calculate_re()` on...
The Introduction vignette as written makes me think that `change_tv()` doesn't declare environmental linkages for parameters. It currently says I would hope that this is done automatically, but I...
## Problem New labels have been initiated and old issues are not using them. ## Proposal - [x] Add more labels - [ ] Go through all issues and add...
Estimates are slightly different depending on when the EM is started relative to the first year of catch. Typically, I don't think a stock assessment model would be started before...
Integrate changes by @GwladysLambert into main package - [x] Fleets - [x] Sex - [ ] Selectivity shape - [ ] Ageing error - [ ] Sampling - [ ]...
This is a very minor pull request that only fixes three small typos that I found while reading the helpful vignette.