Kelli Johnson
Kelli Johnson
The [tidyverse style guide]( indicates that [function arguments should not have default values]( if they are arguments that **MUST** be supplied by the user. There are many places in r4ss... This is failing at the moment for the newest version of SS3 where the data.ss_new file can be saved in the sso folder. I am working on this right... have urls to dois. While reading through the GitHub action log for a failed attempt to install a branch of {r4ss} I noticed the following message: ``` Found...
During CAPAM 2022 (2022-02-02) @HaikunXu mentioned that it would be nice if the retrospective function could calculate Mohn's rho on an annual basis if quarters are parameterized as years in...
The start of a pull request to standardize getting the version of SS3. Still need to look at the following files: - [ ] SS_output.R - [ ] SS_plots.R -...
While looking at the [available LaTeX symbols]( I noticed that there is an actual symbol for "per thousand", ‰, which looks like a percent sign but it isn't. I would... I am assuming that we could figure it out from `` but I am not entirely sure what the options are. Some of the other captions need units as... leads to and for lingcod the x-axis reads "Relative spawning output: B/B_0" which is actually fraction unfished. I am confused why our default has the term spawning output.... Colors (blue and black) are not explained in the figure caption. As well as we could inform readers if the devs were constrained to sum to zero or if... In sablefish, we are using a mean centered index of recruitment. This index is not being plotted correctly because some of the values are negative and are being removed...