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Suggest: Capable native pointer marshaling on IL2C interoperability.
For example, C# with P/Invoke way:
struct Foo
struct Bar
// Foo* field1; // C# and P/Invoke can't handle native pointer on the structure.
IntPtr field1; // And formal way is manually marshaling...
If IL2C/Invoke can handle directly it, very easier in the situation. We discussed how to implement this way for first inspirations:
struct Foo
struct Bar
Foo field1;
Foo foo = new Foo();
Bar bar = new Bar();
foo.field1 = bar;
In Roslyn, the code fragment understands the bar will copy instance into foo.field1. But IL2C will wirte the bar variable is the pointer:
// Bar is value type.
Bar bar = ...
foo->field1 = &bar; // store the bar's pointer (stfld opcode)
We have to think more deep things:
- Does the pointer have to track for GC?
- Can IL2C handle automate for marshler?
- Can IL2C do type interence switch from raw type to pointer type?
- For example, the field1 is pointer so IL2C has to access with arrow expression (field1->inner1) instead dot-notation (field1.inner1)
@chameleonhead Thanks discussed and suggested at Center CLR Try development meetup No.6.
I wanted to write code like ...
[NativeValue("winsock2.h", SymbolName = "WSADESCRIPTION_LEN")]
static readonly int WSADESCRIPTION_LEN = 256;
[NativeValue("winsock2.h", SymbolName = "WSASYS_STATUS_LEN")]
static readonly int WSASYS_STATUS_LEN = 128;
[NativeType("winsock2.h", SymbolName = "WORD")]
struct WORD
public byte bLow;
public byte bHigh;
[NativeType("winsock2.h", SymbolName = "WSADATA")]
struct WSADATA
WORD wVersion;
WORD wHighVersion;
byte[] szDescription;
byte szSystemStatus;
ushort iMaxSockets;
ushort iMaxUdpDg;
IntPtr lpVendorInfo;
[NativeMethod("winsock2.h", SymbolName = "socket")]
static extern WSADATA WSAStartup(WORD wVersionRequested, LPWSADATA lpWSAData);
But I could not know how to write LPWSADATA (which is WSADATA*).
Thank you for taking up.
Memoized for me: the ref keyword in C#7, can we handle the field pointer type natural expressions?