skit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
skit copied to clipboard

yaml -> sourcekit -> json


skit is a dead simple CLI for interacting with sourcekit.


Here's an example of a request that returns the structure of the source:

Create a request.yaml:

key.request: "example.swift"
key.sourcetext: "struct Foo {}"

Run skit:

$ skit request.yaml

Get the response from sourcekitd:

  "key.offset": 0,
  "key.length": 14,
  "key.diagnostic_stage": "source.diagnostic.stage.swift.parse",
  "key.syntaxmap": [
      "key.kind": "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.keyword",
      "key.offset": 0,
      "key.length": 6
      "key.kind": "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.identifier",
      "key.offset": 7,
      "key.length": 3
  "key.substructure": [
      "key.kind": "source.lang.swift.decl.struct",
      "key.accessibility": "source.lang.swift.accessibility.internal",
      "": "Foo",
      "key.offset": 0,
      "key.length": 13,
      "key.nameoffset": 7,
      "key.namelength": 3,
      "key.bodyoffset": 12,
      "key.bodylength": 0

sourcekit supports many request types, for details on what you can do see the protocol documentation.



$ brew install keith/formulae/skit

Docker (hub page)

$ docker pull smileykeith/skit:TAG

NOTE: The tags for docker line up with the git tags on this repo.


$ make install


  • The protocol documentation defines most of the requests you can use with sourcekit

  • SourceKitten provides a much better interface for specific requests, meaning you don't need to deal with the implementation details of sourcekit

  • sourcekit is open source! so you can read the source for more details on how the pieces fit together

  • JP Simard (the author of SourceKitten) has written some blog posts and done a talk about how sourcekit works

  • If you're interested in reproducing something that Xcode does, you can see the communication between Xcode and sourcekitd by setting SOURCEKIT_LOGGING=3 and launching Xcode