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Simple package for sending emails through the Mandrill API.

Mandrill Emails via Golang

Build Status Coverage Status

Stripped down package for sending emails through the Mandrill API. Inspired by @mostafah's implementation.


go get -u

Upgrading to 1.0

MessagesSend() and MessagesSendTemplate() now only returns 1 error interface (as opposed to a non-sensical 2).

// New!
res, err := client.MessagesSend(m)

// Old!
res, apiError, err := client.MessagesSend(m)


Regular Message

import (
    m ""

client := m.ClientWithKey("XXXXXXXXX")

message := &m.Message{}
message.AddRecipient("[email protected]", "Bob Johnson", "to")
message.FromEmail = "[email protected]"
message.FromName = "Kyle Truscott"
message.Subject = "You won the prize!"
message.HTML = "<h1>You won!!</h1>"
message.Text = "You won!!"

responses, err := client.MessagesSend(message)

Send Template

templateContent := map[string]string{"header": "Bob! You won the prize!"}
responses, err := client.MessagesSendTemplate(message, "you-won", templateContent)

Including Merge Tags

// Global vars
message.GlobalMergeVars = m.MapToVars(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Bob"})

// Recipient vars
bobVars := m.MapToRecipientVars("[email protected]", map[string]interface{}{"name": "Bob"})
jillVars := m.MapToRecipientVars("[email protected]", map[string]interface{}{"name": "Jill"})
message.MergeVars = []*m.RcptMergeVars{bobVars, jillVars}

Integration Testing Keys

You can pass special API keys to the client to mock success/err responses from MessagesSend or MessagesSendTemplate.

// Sending messages will be successful, but without a real API request
c := ClientWithKey("SANDBOX_SUCCESS")

// Sending messages will error, but without a real API request
c := ClientWithKey("SANDBOX_ERROR")