Kegan Dougal
Kegan Dougal
This is a ticking time bomb. We are likely to see this as the age of client's DBs get older and more OTKs accumulate which are never claimed, consuming the... can cause us to have indefinitely claimed OTKs because the receiver timed out the request.
Indeed, the reason why I'm flagging it is because it outlines a real-world example of how we can accumulate keys on the client.
- A desync solution _could_ help with if the server included in-flight key IDs. - Re concurrency fails, there are other sources which we may end up hitting e.g...
Regarding server-rollbacks, @uhoreg had a rather simple and elegant solution: just drop the OTKs table on rollbacks. This will cause 0 OTK counts to be sent down `/sync`, causing clients...
Thinking more on this, we could also do a similar solution for clients - if the `/keys/upload` endpoint returns a HTTP 400 indicating "key already exists" -> delete all OTKs...
I've made which I think addresses this.
We're actively working on this, despite the lack of activity on this particular issue. In particular, within the last few months we have a [dedicated test suite]( now to identify...
Currently this does _not_ include Element Desktop as rust crypto isn't enabled by default (yet). We expect this will change on a timescale of weeks not months. We've been discussing...
Recently I've been giving updates for this on [This Week in Matrix]( If you fail to decrypt a message please: - send a bug report to us and mention: -...