Reported by several users since iOS 13.
Fixes this opaque error when building `WireGuardGoBridge`, due to Xcode not finding the go binary in PATH: ``` Command ExternalBuildToolExecution failed with a nonzero exit code ```
# Summary Users are unable to set manual routes through the configuration file. There are two issues: - `IPv4Settings` and `IPv6Settings` are only built inside `ConfigurationParser` if an `ifconfig[-ipv6]` option...
# Summary Tunnel is unable to reconnect as if stop request were stuck. E.g. on network change, tunnel is supposed to disconnect from the old network and reconnect to the...
Make Go library build correctly on iPhone Simulator and Mac Catalyst. Script adjustments might appear inelegant, but the generated library has worked 100% on these targets. Tested in my production...
It used to be the website's password, but this may be discontinued soon.
> I got a feature request: select a VPN connection for a specific focus mode and toggle it automatically with enabling the focus mode.
Currently requires in-app purchases (e.g. "Siri") to stay available for purchase, even if they are actually unused in the app. Therefore, replace the product-dependent logic with a static list, where...