keepassxc copied to clipboard
Default icons - add some common ones?
Would it be possible to add some most common icons, depicting common website categories?
Below are the icons I see in KeePassXC, and I can pretty much never find a suitable one for anything, except email (which has both an :envelope: and an @
) and money:
How about illustrating,
- [ ] health/medical
- [ ] transportation
- [ ] clothing
- [ ] car/auto
- [ ] travel
- [ ] sports
- [ ] discussion forums
- [ ] crypto
To keep the number small, similar icons could be collapsed into one, barring backwards compatibility. I see for example 4+ icons for the concept of "settings", 3 for "locked/keys", 2 for movies, two clipboards (one is checked) + one paper note and one paper note with pen; and I can't quite imagine what I'd use the %
icon for (maybe something ultra-specific like DeFi interest yield farming accounts?). Then there are the obsolete ones - the CD, the celluloid, the floppy disk.
The standard icons are part of the KDBX specification and it's somewhat important that they retain their meaning across different KeePass-compatible applications (though I do agree that most of them are useless or outdated). Any additional icons would either have to be baked into the KDBX file or they wouldn't work in other applications.
My preference for us would be to have a selection of more useful icons that can be loaded into a person's database as custom icons.
The icons should also have searchable names. We could also extend the numbered default icons, but that should be coordinated with other apps.
For easy navigation to non-entry-specific icons like these, i'd love to be able to "favorite" or "star" icons that I'll be reusing over and over, so that they don't wind up buried in the favicon dump list...
I'd also love for there to be an "inherit" button, which just sets the icon to be the same as the icon of its parent directory.
Your last request is already present. Edit the group icon and you can apply it to all children entries.
Good idea on favoriting icons!
I don't want to change icons that I've explicitly set to e.g. a favicon, how does that method know to skip entries I don't want changed?
It doesn't, but you can create a temporary group, drag the entries you DO want changed into it, do the icon setting, then drag the entries back again.
I generally agree with suggestions made here, but:
- transportation, car/auto and travel may be challenging to distinguish
- cryptography is a specialized topic which few even understand outside IT professionals. The lock icons seem sufficient to represent security.
Instead of favoriting icons, listing those most often used would probably be even more convenient.
I am using Keepass for the first time and i also think it lacks some basic icons, like
Car Bus Train Palm tree Shopping cart "www" Discussion bubbles Some food icons An hospital... Joystick
Thanks for bringing this up, I will look to do something about this because I hate the limited number of default icons as well.