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An extractive neural network text summarization library for the EMNLP 2018 paper "Content Selection in Deep Learning Models of Summarization" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.12343).
I run the program but got error: ImportError: cannot import name '_to_hours_mins_secs' Can you guide me how to solve this error. Thanks. ``` (nnsum) C:\Users\17674\Desktop\MultiModalSummary\nnsum-master>python script_bin/train_model.py --trainer --train-inputs data\ami.v2\inputs\train --train-labels...
Hi, @kedz Getting the following error, I am trying with reddit data for "train the CNN encoder with Seq2Seq extractor on gpu 0" ERROR:ignite.engine.engine.Engine:Engine run is terminating due to exception:...
when I try to use this repo to run the AMI dataset , I got this error ,can you help me? My command is: `python train_model.py --trainer --train-inputs /home/workspace/IdeaProjects/word2sentExtract/datasets/ami/inputs/train/ --train-labels...
Can you provide me an example for test **lead** algorithm with rouge_papier? I have obtained the top words with your settings in your paper and the gold extract summaries, how...
Can I use the bin file formats for training the model?
Hi, I tried downloading PubMed data-set using python summarization-datasets/preprocess_pubmed.py \ --data-dir data/ This creates directory data/pubmed on my system (Windows 10) and has disk size of approx. 1.47 GB but...
https://github.com/kedz/nnsum/issues/7 I encountered the same issue as @tlifcen reported. I added an event callback COMPLETED to save the model when training completes in order to run the evaluation. it seems...
Hi, I encountered a problem when using your code. here is the command I used: ``` python script_bin/train_model.py \ --trainer --train-inputs cnn-dailymail/inputs/train \ --train-labels cnn-dailymail/labels/train \ --valid-inputs cnn-dailymail/inputs/valid \ --valid-labels...
Hi, Getting the following error. I am trying with the pubmed data for "train the CNN encoder with Seq2Seq extractor on gpu 0" Traceback (most recent call last): File "script_bin/train_model.py",...
I have trained the model using given command, when I use the given command of testing, I have encountered the following problem. `AttributeError: 'collections.OrderedDict' object has no attribute 'embeddings'`