Kedar Khaire
Kedar Khaire
## Description Self-deprecation notices. Since symfony/dependency-injection 6.4: "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait" is deprecated, use dependency injection instead. Files affected are 1. Functional\ApiDocsAdminTest::testApiDocAdministration 2. Functional\SmartdocRoutingTest::testNotFoundSubscriber 3. Functional\ApiDocsBreadcrumbTest::testApiDocBreadcrumb 4. Kernel\ApidocEntityTest::testEntity 5. Kernel\ApidocEntityTest::testRevisions
## Description Self deprecation - Accessing the randomGenerator property is deprecated in drupal:10.2.x and is removed from drupal:11 **Use getRandomGenerator()** instead. See Changes to be made in Drupal\Tests\apigee_api_catalog\Functional\ApiDocsAdminTest::testApiDocAdministration 3x:...
Fixes #1051 Before merging 1050 PR, we need to merge this to avoid the errors in test cases.
Fixes #730 For Hybrid instance (Org type = ApigeeX), add field validation for user email field on all operations. Validation will be to check the string is in lowercase. Should...
## Description Code lint errors are detected post new version update of PHPCS. Affected files are as follows src/CliService.php src/CliServiceInterface.php src/Command/Util/ApigeeEdgeManagementCliService.php src/Command/Util/ApigeeEdgeManagementCliServiceInterface.php src/Commands/ApigeeEdgeCommands.php
A new constraint for email is added to avoid camel-case & uppercase characters for registration form. Add a test case for it.
Fixes #361