Konrad Dzwinel
Konrad Dzwinel
To use Drive API user has to be logged in. How about [using gists](https://developer.github.com/v3/gists/)? _EDIT_: I guess the only issue with gists is the maximum file size. It's not documented,...
@arthurvr Not sure what do you mean by: > there will need to be some auth we need no auth to create anonymous gists: > You can read public gists...
Got response from github: > > 1) does CORS? > > Yes, it does. See https://developer.github.com/v3/#cross-origin-resource-sharing. > > > 2) limits file size for anonymous gists (we need to support...
I just learned about this API and I have similar concerns to @pes10k , but I think that the attack surface might be even bigger because of the app version...