Kelvin Nilsen
Kelvin Nilsen
Thank you for this report. We are looking into it.
I just ran the same program on a MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 platform with OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 1.8.0_265-b01) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 25.265-b01, mixed mode) and I...
I'm sorry. I see from your report that you are running Windows 10. I'll need to find a way to test that.
We have reproduced the problem and now understand the cause of the problem. One of our engineers shared the following: I do get what is going on with Corretto. Call...
I'm seeing the same problem even when I made my recording with "rr record -n".
Ok. Let me capture a bit more context. Thanks
Good. I'll try that.
Thanks. I downloaded, built, recorded my crash anew, and replayed it. I have filed a new ticket:
I've been trying to understand the reported trigger failure regression on hyperalloc. I cannot reproduce that result. The host on which I'm experimenting apparently has more cores than what runs...
An earlier comment had requested impact on SpecJBB. I have this information from an internal performance pipeline. Seems to improve critical-jops and max-jops, but also increases P100 jhiccup. ![Screenshot 2024-01-31...