Dohoon Kim
Dohoon Kim
I believe that the main purpose of an obfuscator is to make your source code hard to read and to confuse outside developers. It's quite different from just minifying it....
#689 Please refer:
안녕하세요, 본 PR 취지에는 공감하나 몇가지 아쉬운 부분과 문제점들이 보여 조심스레 남겨봅니다. 1. 정규식 검증 특성상 정규식이 복잡해질수록 클라이언트의 메세지 처리가 느려지며, 탐지 항목이 추가될수록 정상 메세지를 바꿀 가능성도 함께...
> 시간이 초과되면 오류를 뿜으며 서버가 재부팅됩니다. > > [2019-01-09 22:29:59] ERROR OCCURRED ON THE MASTER! :8496 [2019-1-9 22:29:59] ERROR: TypeError: Cannot read property 'NaN' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read...
@TuxCoder Nothing can stop that. If a developer is super-duper cautious about their client code, they should just release that thing in a closed environment. No matter what obfuscator you...
This also fixes a critical bug that occasionally causes the server to crash, [due to a bug on the pg module]( I already upgraded those modules on my production environment...
What's the deal with this discussion about an unmaintained 7-year-old resource anyway? Just as you have the right to block ads, the site owners also have the right to detect... Please, develop a habit of searching for information first before asking.
Please take a look at #689 before opening dozens of other duplicate issues.