lazygit.nvim copied to clipboard
[Feat] Command: LazygitToggle
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In my lazygit config I am using:
editPreset: 'nvim-remote'
edit: "nvr --remote-send '<C-space>:q<CR><Esc>:lua vim.cmd(\"e \" .. {{filename}})<CR>'"
editAtLine: "nvr --remote-send '<C-space>:q<CR><Esc>:lua vim.cmd(\"e \" .. {{filename}})<CR>{{line}}G'"
This allows me to open the file from lazygit inside my main window and not in lazygit. As you can see for that before opening the file, I am closing lazygit with q
, what would be nice if I could just toggle then window away. Then way I could resume lazygit at the same spot I closed it.
Describe the solution you'd like
A LazygitToggle
command, which allows to toggle the Lazygit window, so an extension of the currrent command.
That would be awesome :) Thx for the plugin btw, appreciate it.
Meanwhile I found how to better make use of <CMD>
so this is the updated version, I'll leave the old one for reference. Then you also won't get annoying cmd popups n stuff.
editPreset: 'nvim-remote'
edit: "nvr --remote-send '<CMD>q<CR><CMD>lua vim.cmd(\"e \" .. {{filename}})<CR>'"
editAtLine: "nvr --remote-send '<CMD>q<CR><CMD>lua vim.cmd(\"e \" .. {{filename}})<CR>{{line}}G'"
Thanks for sharing your config @Dimfred!
That won't resolve path well if you find yourself in a sub-directory, away from the .git
root, and try editing a file; how about...
editPreset: 'nvim-remote'
edit: "nvr --remote-send '<CMD>q<CR><CMD>lua local root = vim.fn.trim(vim.fn.system(\"git rev-parse --show-toplevel\")); vim.cmd(\"e \" .. root .. \"/\" .. {{filename}})<CR>'"
editAtLine: "nvr --remote-send '<CMD>q<CR><CMD>lua local root = vim.fn.trim(vim.fn.system(\"git rev-parse --show-toplevel\")); vim.cmd(\"e \" .. root .. \"/\" .. {{filename}})<CR>{{line}}G'"
@teocns man this is awesome, very nice idea, didn't now how to do that properly, thanks a lot!
for some reason i get shown a window with my command and press ENTER to go back to lazygit and adding <CR> at the start of the command fixes it if anyone has the same problem.
editPreset: 'nvim-remote'
edit: "nvr --remote-send '<CR><CMD>q<CR><CMD>lua local root = vim.fn.trim(vim.fn.system(\"git rev-parse --show-toplevel\")); vim.cmd(\"e \" .. root .. \"/\" .. {{filename}})<CR>'"
lazygit now has a native integration with nvim remote:
In my case I didn't even have to open nvim with the --listen flag, it just worked out of the box.
Native integration does indeed work great!
However (correct me if I'm wrong), there's still no way to "resume lazygit at the same spot" as @Dimfred was asking, right ?
So I wrote my own "lazygit" function, which allows me to do that.
local term = nil
M.toggle = function()
local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
local size = 90
local direction = "float"
if not term then
term = Terminal:new({
cmd = "lazygit",
hidden = true,
count = 10,
on_exit = function()
term = nil
term:toggle(size, direction)
vim.cmd("set ft=lazygit")
map("nvit", "<C-w>", function()
term:toggle(size, direction)
end, { buffer = true })
term:toggle(size, direction)
Nice, thanks ! I'll try that
Edit: It works pretty well :)
Here's my adapted version so that when you edit a file with e
from lazygit, it doesn't get closed but hidden.
Don't forget to change my keymaps if needed:
to open
to hide
Somewhere in nvim conf:
local term = nil
local function lg_toggle()
local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
local size = 90
local direction = "float"
if not term then
term = Terminal:new({
cmd = "lazygit",
hidden = true,
on_exit = function()
term = nil
if term then
term:toggle(size, direction)
vim.cmd("set ft=lazygit")
vim.keymap.set("t", "<a-q>", function()
term:toggle(size, direction)
end, { buffer = true })
term:toggle(size, direction)
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("LazyGitToggle", lg_toggle, {})
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gg", "<cmd>LazyGitToggle<cr>", {})
lazygit conf:
editPreset: 'nvim-remote'
edit: '[ -z "$NVIM" ] && (nvim -- {{filename}}) || (nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote-send "<CMD>LazyGitToggle<CR>" && nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote-tab {{filename}})'
editAtLine: '[ -z "$NVIM" ] && (nvim +{{line}} -- {{filename}}) || (nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote-send "<CMD>LazyGitToggle<CR>" && nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote-tab {{filename}} && nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote-send ":{{line}}<CR>")'
promptToReturnFromSubprocess: false