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hl7x/gen: source of 2.3 not from gen?
Are the files in hl7x/2.3 folder hand generated? It looks like they are machine generated, but the "gen" program isn't complete enough to generate them.
Clarification as to the hl7x/2.3 package would be appreciated.
Sorry about that! I didn't have time to actually finish creating the generator (because of a deadline). You are correct in that the files are generated (sort of), but I did it in a very hacky way.
I used the code from this ruby repository: and the script below:
input=$(cat; echo x)
printf %s "$input" |perl -p -e 's/module\sHealthSeven::V(.*?)/package hl7v$1/' | \
perl -p -e 's/class\s(.*?)\s.*/type $1 struct {/' | \
perl -0777 -pe 's/end.*\nend.*/}/m' | \
perl -pe 's/Array\[(.*?)\]/[]$1/g' | \
perl -pe 's/, / /g' | \
perl -pe 's/#/\/\//g' | \
perl -pe 's/position:(.*)/`position:$1`/g' | \
perl -pe 's/: /:/g' | \
perl -pe 's/:true/:"true"/g' | \
perl -pe 's/ multiple:".*?"//g' | \
perl -pe 's/attribute :([^\s]+)/$1/' | \
perl -pe 's/^ ([a-zA-Z])/ \U$1/' | \
perl -pe 's/_([a-z])/\U$1/g'
So for example, running through generates this:
package hl7v2_3
type Ce struct {
// identifier
Identifier Id `position:"CE.1"`
// text
Text St `position:"CE.2"`
// name of coding system
NameOfCodingSystem St `position:"CE.3"`
// alternate identifier
AlternateIdentifier Id `position:"CE.4"`
// alternate text
AlternateText St `position:"CE.5"`
// name of alternate coding system
NameOfAlternateCodingSystem St `position:"CE.6"`
I then cleaned up whatever was wrong and the types manually (although I could have done type conversions in the script). So you can see why I didn't make this public... heh