**Summary** To validate the basic format of the `statementPointerTarget` property in the Annotations object, we should add the string format: "json-pointer". **Additional context and details** The property is currently defined...
In [BODS 0.4](https://standard.openownership.org/en/main/schema/guidance/serialization.html#statement-order) we decided NOT to add a requirement to the effect that "the declarationSubject value of each Statement must match the recordId value of at least one other...
See: http://standard.openownership.org/ru/0.2-dev-ru-translation/schema/reference.html#publicationdetails The values under the last three columns (Type, Format, Required) are not translated. So we have 'string', 'object', 'date', 'uri', 'Required' etc. Now this might be acceptable, since...
**Summary of the bug or issue** We have properties like this one in the [entity-record.json](https://github.com/openownership/data-standard/blob/main/schema/entity-record.json) schema file: ``` "jurisdiction": { "title": "Jurisdiction", "description": "The jurisdiction in which this entity was...
**Summary of the bug or issue** This property sits within the Interest object and could be better named to point to its function within BO data. **Additional context and details**...
**Summary of the bug or issue** At the moment (as of BODS 0.3 and 0.4) there is a lack of clarity about what to do when a person has direct...
What's the rationale for having the 'beneficialOwnershipOrControl' flag/boolean at the [Interest level](http://standard.openownership.org/en/v0-1/schema/reference.html#interest) as opposed to the Ownership-or-control Statement level? (From a publisher's point of view, a BO declaration may be...
In the [Interest type codelist](http://standard.openownership.org/en/0.2.0/schema/reference.html#interest) we have: Type: **voting-rights** Description: A controlling interest in an entity gained by holding shares. Defined as the right of shareholders to vote on matters...
**Summary of the bug or issue** The two MIC fields `operatingMarketIdentifierCode` and `marketIdentifierCode` in the [SecuritiesListing object](https://standard.openownership.org/en/0.3.0/schema/reference.html#securitieslisting) have clunky descriptions. Additionally the validation is complicated since whether the exchange is...
It looks like this new integration might take some of the technical legwork out of managing translations: https://docs.transifex.com/transifex-github-integrations/github-tx-ui We are also developing on the main branch now, and only creating...