sweet_xml icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sweet_xml copied to clipboard

(RuntimeError) DTD not allowed: lol1

Open kianmeng opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Tested on Elixir 1.13.4-otp-25 / Erlang 25.0.3.

git clone https://github.com/kbrw/sweet_xml
cd sweet_xml
mix deps.get
$ mix test
warning: use Mix.Config is deprecated. Use the Config module instead                             
17:38:50.785 [error] Process #PID<0.277.0> raised an exception
** (RuntimeError) DTD not allowed: lol1                                                 
    (sweet_xml 0.7.3) lib/sweet_xml/options.ex:55: anonymous fn/6 in SweetXml.Options.handle_dtd/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1972: :xmerl_scan.scan_entity/2                                    
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1693: :xmerl_scan.scan_markup_decl/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1278: :xmerl_scan.scan_doctype3/3  
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:730: :xmerl_scan.scan_prolog/4     
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:571: :xmerl_scan.scan_document/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:294: :xmerl_scan.string/2           
17:38:50.788 [error] Process #PID<0.284.0> raised an exception  
** (SweetXml.DTDError) DTD not allowed: lol1                                                     
    (sweet_xml 0.7.3) lib/sweet_xml/options.ex:55: anonymous fn/6 in weetXml.Options.handle_dtd/2      
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1972: :xmerl_scan.scan_entity/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1693: :xmerl_scan.scan_markup_decl/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1278: :xmerl_scan.scan_doctype3/3
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:730: :xmerl_scan.scan_prolog/4
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:571: :xmerl_scan.scan_document/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:294: :xmerl_scan.string/2  
17:38:50.893 [error] Process #PID<0.293.0> raised an exception
** (SweetXml.DTDError) no external entity allowed
    (sweet_xml 0.7.3) lib/sweet_xml/options.ex:23: anonymous fn/2 in SweetXml.Options.handle_dtd/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1304: :xmerl_scan.fetch_and_parse/3
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:2002: :xmerl_scan.scan_entity_def/3
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1964: :xmerl_scan.scan_entity/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1693: :xmerl_scan.scan_markup_decl/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:1278: :xmerl_scan.scan_doctype3/3
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:730: :xmerl_scan.scan_prolog/4
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:571: :xmerl_scan.scan_document/2
    (xmerl 1.3.29) xmerl_scan.erl:294: :xmerl_scan.string/2

Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.00s async, 0.3s sync)
16 doctests, 38 tests, 0 failures

kianmeng avatar Aug 29 '22 09:08 kianmeng