elixir.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
elixir.nvim copied to clipboard

Vim Completion/Doc/Eval for Elixir (nvim), compile https://github.com/awetzel/neovim-elixir and https://github.com/awetzel/nvim-rplugin

elixir.nvim with real contextual completion and doc

NVim plugin for Elixir.

Thanks to the neovim host plugin: https://github.com/awetzel/neovim-elixir, you can develop your own vim plugin in Elixir !

The https://github.com/awetzel/nvim-rplugin project is a vim plugin in Elixir, containing vim functions and commands for documentation, elixir evaluation and completion.

This Vim plugin packages both to give you a nice development environment for Elixir in nvim.



  • Omni completion with doc
  • Elixir documentation of modules and functions with colors with vim-ref (and K binding)
  • Interpret the currently selected Elixir Code with :ElixirExec
  • If no line selected, then the whole file is interpreted, useful to dynamically reload current file modules when the app runs with :MixStart
  • Bindings are kept along interpretations
  • You can reset binding using the bang: :ElixirExec!
  • Load nearest mix project in current file path with :MixLoad
  • Start the current mix project application inside your vim: :MixStart
  • Deoplete source file for async completion (https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim)
  • The command :ElixirQuickBuild parses the current buffer to maintain a map of line-> __ENV__, after a call, the completion and documentation will be aware of the context (aliases, imports, use).
  • The :ElixirQuickBuild background compilation can trigger error highlighting and log into vim to help your debugging.


Just copy this repository into your vim config directory and run install.sh to install both Elixir host for neovim and the elixir plugin.

After installation, run :UpdateRemotePlugins inside your neovim, then restart it to add then Elixir functions and commands to vim.

This package has two dependencies but optional: the official vim-elixir for syntax and indent and vim-ref for doc.

Plug 'elixir-lang/vim-elixir'
Plug 'thinca/vim-ref'
Plug 'awetzel/elixir.nvim', { 'do': 'yes \| ./install.sh' }


Two possible configurations are available for the completion function:

  • g:elixir_maxmenu is an integer giving the max length of the function doc preview in omni completion, default to 70
  • g:elixir_docpreview is a boolean (int 0 or 1) to choose if you want the completion function to open doc in preview window or not, default to 0.
  • g:elixir_showerror is a boolean (int 0 or 1) to choose if you want to highlight the errorneous line and log the error into vim during :ElixirQuickBuild compilation. Default to 0.
  • g:elixir_autobuild is a boolean (int 0 or 1) to choose if you want to automatically launch the environment compilation (:ElixirQuickBuild) when you leave insert mode or when you save your file. Default to 0.
  • g:elixir_comp_minlen is an integer giving the minimum string length to complete by the omnicomp function, useful to avoid long time synchronious completion, default to 0
  • g:elixir_maxpreviews is an integer giving the maximum number of completion "words" where the inlined preview is shown, useful to avoid slow completion rendering, default to 100