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Task/open tracing

Open kbkk opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

kbkk avatar Mar 17 '21 22:03 kbkk

Coverage for commit c614fb07bf9b02dad9f843a845bf3a39c5eefc69:

Click to see coverage log
File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Line #s
All files 93.73 79.84 91.39 93.25
src 0 100 100 0
telemetry.ts 0 100 100 0 1-61
src/AccountContext 88.57 100 60 90
AccountContextGateway.ts 88.89 100 50 85.71 20
AccountContextModule.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 0 100 0 0 1-2
src/AccountContext/Configs 88.89 100 66.67 88.89
AccountContextConfig.ts 88.89 100 66.67 88.89 32
src/AccountContext/Controllers 100 100 100 100
AccountController.ts 100 100 100 100
AuthController.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AccountContext/Dto 100 100 100 100
CreateAccountDto.ts 100 100 100 100
CreateAuthTokenDto.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AccountContext/Entities 96.15 100 85.71 95.45
Account.ts 96.15 100 85.71 95.45 43
src/AccountContext/EventHandlers 100 100 100 100
SendAccountCreatedEmail.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AccountContext/Events 100 100 100 100
AccountCreatedEvent.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AccountContext/Repositories 97.44 78.57 100 97.06
AccountRepository.ts 100 100 100 100
InMemoryAccountRepository.ts 100 100 100 100
SqliteAccountRepository.ts 94.74 70 100 94.12 25
src/AccountContext/Services 92.31 64.29 100 91.53
ConfirmAccountService.ts 83.33 50 100 81.25 27,31,35
CreateAccountService.ts 95.65 50 100 95.24 50
CreateAuthTokenService.ts 95.83 83.33 100 95.45 43
src/AccountContext/tests/utils 100 100 100 100
createTestConfig.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AuctionContext 100 75 100 100
AuctionContextModule.ts 100 75 100 100 26
src/AuctionContext/Configs 88.89 100 66.67 88.89
AuctionContextConfig.ts 88.89 100 66.67 88.89 31
src/AuctionContext/Controllers 100 100 100 100
AuctionController.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AuctionContext/Controllers/Dto 100 100 100 100
CreateAuctionDto.ts 100 100 100 100
PlaceAuctionBidDto.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AuctionContext/Entities 100 100 100 100
Auction.ts 100 100 100 100
Bid.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AuctionContext/Repositories 100 83.33 100 100
AuctionRepository.ts 100 100 100 100
InMemoryAuctionRepository.ts 100 100 100 100
SqliteAuctionRepository.ts 100 75 100 100 22
src/AuctionContext/Services 100 100 100 100
CreateAuctionService.ts 100 100 100 100
PlaceAuctionBidService.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AuctionContext/Services/Commands 100 100 100 100
CreateAuctionCommand.ts 100 100 100 100
PlaceAuctionBidCommand.ts 100 100 100 100
src/AuctionContext/tests/utils 100 100 100 100
createTestConfig.ts 100 100 100 100
createTestToken.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Auth 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
types.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Auth/NestJs 100 100 100 100
AccountAuthModule.ts 100 100 100 100
constants.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Auth/NestJs/Decorators 100 100 100 100
CurrentAccount.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Auth/NestJs/Guards 95.24 75 100 94.74
AccountGuard.ts 95.24 75 100 94.74 27
src/Core/Auth/Testing 100 100 100 100
createTestTokenFactory.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/EventBus 97.06 77.78 90.91 97.06
Event.ts 100 100 100 100
EventBus.ts 100 100 100 100
EventBusCompositeCoordinator.ts 83.33 100 75 83.33 18
InMemoryEventBus.ts 100 77.78 100 100 21-37
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/EventBus/NestJs 100 100 100 100
nestJsInMemoryEventBusProvider.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Fp 100 83.33 100 100
Either.ts 100 83.33 100 100 19
src/Core/Logger 90 71.43 71.43 89.47
PinoLogger.ts 80 75 66.67 80 17,29
index.ts 100 100 100 100
pinoFactory.ts 100 50 100 100 11
src/Core/Logger/NestJs 100 100 100 100
NestJsLoggerAdapter.ts 100 100 100 100
nestJsLoggerProvider.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/NestJs 95.45 88.89 100 95.24
index.ts 100 100 100 100
intermediateModule.ts 95.24 88.89 100 95 11
src/Core/OpenTracing 56.25 100 16.67 53.33
LoggerSpanExporter.ts 22.22 100 0 22.22 8-38
getActiveSpan.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Outbox 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Outbox/MikroOrm 100 75 100 100
MikroOrmOutbox.ts 100 100 100 100
MikroOrmOutboxWorker.ts 100 66.67 100 100 46,88
OutboxMessageEntity.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Outbox/NestJs 100 75 100 100
OutboxModule.ts 100 75 100 100 34-69
RegisterOutboxWorker.ts 100 100 100 100
constants.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Outbox/Testing 100 100 100 100
TestOutbox.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/Core/Testing 100 100 100 100
TestLogger.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
runMikroOrmMigrations.ts 100 100 100 100
waitMs.ts 100 100 100 100
-------------------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -------------------

github-actions[bot] avatar Mar 26 '21 21:03 github-actions[bot]