> Could somebody point me to a straightforward documentation on how to use Windows Hello to store the password? I am willing to try implementing it, but last time I...
> Sorry, stupid question indeed, found it in google. > It's possible, as well as Apple Fingerprint, but probably would be quite complicated. I loved this app but biometric log...
> Should be quite simple once [WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-webauthn-20180320/) is fully implemented into browsers. If I'm not mistaken, browsers currently support hardware security keys, but not biometric authentication just yet. I think...
> This App in Microsoft store have windows Hello implementation on it > https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/p/keepassreader/9nblggh4s820?activetab=pivot:overviewtab @antelle so is this app's implementation is not secure enough? I am not developer :)
it will be very useful as I think. also you can take a look on how this app implemented the fingerprint authentication on android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=keepass2android.keepass2android wish you good luck 👍
also you can take a look on how this app implemented the windows Hello authentication to open the database in the app on the Microsoft Store. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/keepassreader/9nblggh4s820?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab
> I'm actually rewriting ModernKeePass to target full Windows 10 UWP compatibility (and unfortunately, drop Windows 8.1 and RT compatibility in the process). As soon as I'm done, I think...
@stankovski yes, I have the same problem is there in fix for that I really like this app it just needs more contributor working on it same number of developers...