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graphql-codegen plugin to generate yup validation schema based on GraphQL schema directives


graphql-codegen plugin to generate yup validation schema based on GraphQL schema directives


install using yarn:

$ yarn add -D graphql-codegen-yup-schema


You need to specify the following directive definition in your GraphQL schema.

directive @constraint(
  minLength: Int
  maxLength: Int
  pattern: String
  min: Int
  max: Int

What it does for you

let's say you have a following mutation with constraint directive.

input RegisterAddressInput {
  postalCode: String @constraint(minLength: 7, maxLength: 7)
  state: String @constraint(maxLength: 4)
  city: String @constraint(maxLength: 32)
  line1: String @constraint(maxLength: 32)
  line2: String @constraint(maxLength: 32)

then use this plugin with graphql-codegen with the config like below

schema: ./graphql/generated/schema.graphql
  - ./graphql/mutations/*.gql
    - graphql-codegen-yup-schema

it will generate a yup validation object💪

import * as yup from 'yup';
export const RegisterAddressInputValidationSchema = yup.object().shape({
  postalCode: yup
  state: yup.string().max(4),
  city: yup.string().max(32),
  line1: yup.string().max(32),
  line2: yup.string().max(32)

Supported constraints

name type description
minLength int min length of a string
maxLength int max length of a string
pattern string regex for a string
min int min value of a number
max int max value of a number