kazuya kawaguchi

Results 75 issues of kazuya kawaguchi


integrate [eslint-plugin-vue-i18n](https://github.com/kazupon/eslint-plugin-vue-i18n)

## Spec to support continuous translation in translation service, vue-cli-plugin-i18n provides the following commands: ### Commands: #### `vue-cli-service i18n:set` set the main locale message to localization service #### `vue-cli-service i18n:update`...

Type: Feature

Type: Feature


Type: Feature

resolve #28

Type: Feature

### Clear and concise description of the problem We are maintaining plugins/loaders for the following bundlers at this repo. - vite: `@intlify/vite-puglin-vue-i18n` - webpack: `@intlify/vue-i18n-loader` - rollup: `@intlify/rollup-plugin-vue-i18n` The implementation...

help wanted
Status: PR Welcome
Status: Proposal
Priority: High